June 1 - 4 Daily Devotion for June 1/ 01 This is who you are as woman in Christ THE WORTH OF A WOMAN When you look into a mirror, do you like the woman you see? Or are you preoccupied with finding flaws? When you examine your inner self and your attitudes, do you feel like a winner or like a spiritual and relational drop-out? The Lord who made you, fashioned you very delicately and purposefully to be exactly the unique female you are. He has a plan for you, and His ideals transcend the here-and-now. In spite of what you may have been raised to believe, the worth of your womanhood is not determined by your looks or behavior or personality type, or position in life. The true woman is a recipient of redemption. God set His sovereign affection upon her. He bound Himself to her covenant faithfulness to be her God. He has redeemed her with His own blood. She is His treasured possession. The reality of your standing in Christ is often difficult to remember when you are attacked by thoughts of low self-esteem and worthlessness. When you look at the beautiful woman with the seemingly perfect family and wonder why that couldn't be you, this false and envious longing strikes a hurtful blow at the woman God designed you to be. Remember, Satan wants you to take your eyes off of Jesus and put them on yourself and circumstances, and your own sinful nature makes it appeal to your emotions daily. When you lose your solid footing in His truth, you stand on the slippery ground of relativism,and God never intends for you to live in fear and self-condemnation.He loves you-that's enough. 1 Peter 3:3-5 says that: "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past used to make themselves beautiful." God's "mirror" is one that reflects the radiance of a gentle and quiet spirit. The spirit of inner peace is a transcendent quality that any woman can develop when she abides in Christ, builds a deeper relationship with Him through prayer and the study of His Word, and allows the Holy Spirit to produce new character fruits in her life. Let Jesus worry about doing any corrections and adjustments as He sees fit. That's not for you to be concerned about. You're a beloved and righteous princess in the eyes of your Father the King. Your job as a woman is to rejoice in how He made you and find satisfaction in His love each day. Author Unknown Daily Devotional JUNE 2 I've got to talk to somebody, God. Im worried, Im unhappy. I feel inadequate so often, hopeless, defeated, afraid. Or again Im so filled with delight I want to run into the streets proclaiming, Stop, world, listen! Hear this wonderful thing. But nobody pauses to listen, out there or here- here in the very house where I live. Even those closest to me are so busy, so absorbed in their own concerns. They nod and murmur and make an effort to share it, but they cant; I know they cant before they begin. There are all these walls between us- husband and wife, parent and child, neighbor and neighbor, friend and friend. Walls of self. Walls of silence. Even walls of words. For even when they try to talk to each other new walls begin to rise. We camouflage, we hold back, we make ourselves sound better than we really are. Or we are shocked and hurt by what is revealed. Or we sit privately in judgement, criticizing even when we pretend to agree. But with You, Lord, there are no walls. You, who made me, know my deepest emotions, my most secret thoughts. You know the good of me, you already understand. Why, then, do I turn to You? Because as I talk to You my disappointments are erased, my joys are enhanced. I find solutions to my problems, or the strength to endure what I must. From Your perfect understanding I receive understanding for my own lifes needs. Thank You that I can always turn to You. Ive got to talk to somebody, God. (Bible quotes are added) Matthew 11: 28-30 (28)Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.(29) Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.(30) For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Taken from the book: Ive Got to Talk to Talk to Somebody, God by Marjorie Holmes Daily Devotional JUNE 3 JESUS PRAYED FOR YOU- PART 1 John 17:9, I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.. My heart is touched when I read the prayer that Jesus prayed for us in John chapter 17. Because this is the heart of Jesus for His own children, we can also pray this prayer for ourselves, and for our own children, knowing that it is in the perfect will of God. Read through the whole of John chapter 17 again when you can. In the meantime, we'll look at some of the specific things that Jesus prayed for us. 1. THAT YOU WILL BE UNITED AS ONE - verse 11 & 21, 22b, 23.'That they may be one, as we are..' Wow! What a prayer. What a vision. Oh to experience the same kind of oneness with one another that Jesus had with his Father. We can't expect this to happen in the body of Christ until we experience it in our own marriage and family. When husbands and wives walk in oneness, and families live in harmony together, we'll begin to see this happen in the church of God. Join with Jesus in this prayer for your marriage and your family. Keep praying it into being until you experience it. 2. THAT YOU WILL BE KEPT FROM EVIL- verses 15-16 & 11-12. 'I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world..' When we come to Jesus, He does not want to let us go. Read John 10:28-30. He keeps us by His power. (1 Peter 1:5) Claim this promise for yourself and your children. Join with Jesus in praying this prayer for your children. Pray that they will be kept from the lures of the world. Pray that they will be kept from the lust of the flesh,the lust of the eyes, and the pride of the life. Pray that they will be kept from the deceptions of the enemy. Pray that they will be kept close to the Lord. We don't separate ourselves, or our children from the world to do this. We train them to be strong in the Lord and strong in the truth, so they can stand against the world. God's desire is for us to live in this world, untouched by its lures, evils and temptations. He wants us to touch the world with His love and salvation, but be untouched by the temptation to their sin. 3. THAT YOU WILL LIVE IN HIS JOY - verse 13. 'That they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves..' Jesus' joy was not determined by his outward circumstances. It was founded on his relationship with His Father. He was filled with joy because he kept his eyes on the final goal. He even endured the cross 'for the joy that was set before him..' (Hebrews 12:2) The joy Jesus wants us to experience is not based on happiness. It is not dependent on our circumstances. It is an inward joy. We have it in us because He lives in us, and he is Joy. His joy is not here today and gone tomorrow. It is a remaining joy! It is always in us because He abides in us. Jesus said in John 15:11, '..that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full..' Don't let outside pressures rob the joy from your life. Continually acknowledge the joy of the Lord in your soul. Don't let negative attitudes and words rob the joy from your home. Keep the joy flowing. PRAYER: 'Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for praying for me. I thank you that right now you are interceding for me at the right hand of the Father. I yield myself to you that your desires for me will be worked out in my life and in my home. Thank you, Lord. Amen..' QUOTE'In this world, but not of it!.' Daily Devotional June 4 JESUS PRAYED FOR YOU - PART 2 John 17:20, 'Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word..' Today we complete the seven specific things that Jesus prayed for us. 4. THAT YOU WILL BE SANCTIFIED - verse 17. 'Sanctify them through thy truth: thy Word is truth..' The word 'sanctify' means 'to make holy, purify, consecrate'. How can we keep pure and holy in this world? Jesus tells us the answer in his prayer. The Word of God will keep us holy. Read the Word of God. Memorize it. Think about it. Confess it out loud. Talk about it. Do you want your children to be sanctified? Feed them the Word of God. Read it to them daily. Encourage them to memorize it too. Two important Scriptures for your children to memorize on this subject are: Psalm 119:9, 'Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word..' Psalm 119:11, 'Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee..' 5. THAT YOU WILL EXPERIENCE HIS GLORY - verse 22. 'And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them..' Can you believe this statement? It is amazing. When Simeon saw the baby Jesus, He spoke prophetically as he proclaimed, 'For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel..' (Luke 2:30-32) Jesus was the light and glory of God on earth. Now he has returned to the heavenly realm, God still wants His light and glory to be revealed in this sin-sick world. He has now chosen His redeemed people to be the light and the glory. 'Christ in you, the hope of glory..' (Colossians 1:27) Yes, He wants you to show forth His light and glory from your life. Unless you shine your light, people will stay in darkness. 'Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee..' (Isaiah 60:1) Jesus was not a flickering light, but a great light. He wants you to shine brightly too. Remember that Jesus prayed this prayer for you and is still praying it at the right hand of the Father. Read Isaiah 9:2; Matthew 4:16; 5:16. 6. THAT YOU WILL BEHOLD HIS GLORY - verse 24. 'Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am: that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world..' Jesus longs that we will live in the eternal realm with Him and behold the glory that He shares with the Father. This is why He came to earth to redeem us. What a redemption! What a hope! Oh what a day when we will behold Him in all His glory! This is also the prayer that we pray for our children, isn't it? That they will be born again, receive eternal life, and come to know Christ intimately. Our most important task as parents is to prepare our children for the eternal world. 7. THAT THE FATHER'S LOVE WILL BE IN YOU - verse 26. 'That the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them..' What kind of love does Jesus want us to have for one another? The love that the Father had for His only begotten son! Oh to experience this kind of love in our lives. Oh to have this love in our families. Oh for this kind of love in the body of Christ. It is sacrificial love. It is love that does not think of itself. It is love that does not demand its own way. It is love that delights to serve. It is love that pours itself out for the other person. This is the love that keeps a marriage together. This is the love that binds a family together. This is the love that will bring true revival to the body of Christ. We can't experience this love in the natural. It is only as we lay down our lives, take up the cross and allow the Holy Spirit to fill our lives. Love from NANCY CAMPBELL PRAYER: 'Come, Oh Lord, and overflow me with your love. My love runs out so easily, but I thank you that in your heart there is a well of love that is inexhaustible. I draw from that everlasting well. Fill me to overflowing. Let your love spill out to everyone in my home - and everyone I meet. Amen..' QUOTE: 'The Word of God will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Word of God..'
June 5 -15 
Daily Devotional JUNE 5 Who Am I? Read: John 13:1-17 I am a HELPMEET to my husband. I stand beside him ready to encourage him, assist him, love him, and even at times to relinquish him for the sake of others. I am MOTHER, meeting the needs of my children just the same as any mother, except with being in a foreign land, my children's needs may be different and sometimes more demanding because of the influence of ungodly playmates, infections, etc. I am a HOMEMAKER, learning to cook in a new culture with new foods, no modern conveniences, water to boil, visitors to feed and entertain. I am a SUBSTITUTE MOTHER, a big sister to the voluntary service workers--- dealing with their homesickness, frustrations and questions. I am a FRIEND to the village mothers, learning from them and also teaching them by word and example. Sometimes I feel like my work is unnoticed and unappreciated. I miss out on the excitement, the adventure of my husband or the single worker. Then I remember that Jesus washed the disciples' feet. He came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and I rejoice that--- I am a SERVANT and gladly will I serve my husband, my family, and anyone God brings into my life! Today's Devotion June 6- 2001 Daily Devotional Gaining Through Losing Read Matthew 10: 37-42 We grow up in culture where winning or gain is the ultimate. From childhood we have played games to win. We have been taught to work hard, to make a living, and at the same time to make gain or extra. We have believe that gain or success is fulfillment. But god's principle is gain through loss. Whoever will lose his life shall find it, and whoever decides to save his life is going to lose it! The humanist says YOU are important. Seek your own pleasure. Look out for yourself. You deserve happiness, ease, riches- you work for it; it's yours! But Jesus says lose yourself (take the emphasis off you), and become involved in others. Be willing to give up your own comfort, your own interests for My sake! Learn the "So That's " That God has planned for! We become weak "so that" we might experience His strength. Sickness and physical problems teach us to depend on Him and give us a longing for heaven, for new bodies! We experience tribulation "so that" we may know how to comfort others. How often we have experienced suffering, bereavement, and other trials, only to meet someone else who is going through a similar trial, and we can reach out to them because we understand! We leave Father and Mother, brothers and sisters, our home and land, for the sake of the Gospel "so that" God can give us many others who become as dear to us as our own family. We experience poverty "so that" we can experience the true riches laid up for us in heaven. We find ourselves broken and empty "so that" God can fill us with HIMSELF! Today's Devotion DEVOTION JUNE 7 A WISE WOMAN Proverbs 14 v 1 A good Christian home doesnt just happen. It is not the automatic result of seeing that the family is fed, clothed, and bathed daily. It is much more. The wise woman (or the mother who cares) draws up some plans. She goes to the Bible daily for divine instruction in the building of her home. With Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) as the foundation, this house will stand against the storms of life. And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands (Heb. 1v10). Surely we can depend on the One who laid the foundation of the earth! But this house must have walls- walls of prayer to keep Satan out, then salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks (Isa. 26v1). except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it (Ps. 127v1). O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home. Isaac Watts Taken from: Bread From My Oven by: Marjorie Parker.

June -8- 2001 A PRAYER FOR SWEETNESS Read: 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 Lord, You are the essence of sweetness. Your Son is called the Rose of Sharon. Infuse Your sweetness into us. We, who are wives and mothers, We touch so many other people And they touch us. Sometimes, Lord, We get tired of being touched. We get upset, irritable. Then it takes so little to make us sour. And it seems to take so much to make us sweet again. Those little irritations: a naughty child. a caller buying on credit, a thoughtless act, someone taking us for granted, a breathless, hot day. So many things come to drain away our sweetness! Oh, Lord, How much we need You then. Teach us to crucify the self that feels these slights. Teach us to look beyond the slights. Teach us to hate that sourness that is so displeasing to You and so upsetting to those around us. And there is no better place to learn than at the feet of Jesus. Lord, You know our frame, A physical frame that feels heat and dirt and sweat and weariness ( especially these hot days). An emotional frame that feels tension and the effects of Daddy being gone. A spiritual frame that bows under burdens of unsaved souls and problems within the church. Is it perhaps unrealistic to expect ourselves to stay sweet in the face of our limitations? So, Lord, You said," My grace is sufficient for thee." You said too that Christ by the Spirit abides in us and He brings with Him the fullness of Your riches for our needs. So, Lord, We come once more to ask Your aid. Keep us sweet. Give us pleasant words to say (especially to our husbands at the end of the day). Help us to keep a merry heart and a cheerful face. In our weakness we lean on You, believing Your power can keep us sweet. For Jesus' sake, Amen.

June -9- 2001 CHILD-LIKE FAITH Read: Psalm 91 "Tween the crashing, 'Twixt the flashing, In a storm, one summer eve, My little girl Came to my side, Said, "Mama, are you scared? I wish Daddy Would be home. Mama, I'm afraid--- let's pray." So we knelt To ask protection Through the storm. So dark the day. As we arose She had forgotten She had been afraid at all. Going on, she Played as usual, Knowing soon the storm would lull. I thought, "My child, How different From when I in God confide!" The angry surges Of self-pity, Hatred, envy, hurt, and pride, Sweep o'er my soul. I battle and pour My heart to God above. Then I arise Thinking He'll Need help to bear the burdens because--- It's quite a load For one to bear. I'll carry a portion and a part. Oh, for the faith Of a little child! Lord, give me a childlike heart.

June -10- 2001 THE COSTLY ORNAMENT Read: 1 Peter 3:1-6 "Meekness is that temper of spirit in which we accept God's dealings with us as good, and therefore without disputing..... "Meekness is first of all a meekness before God, and is also such inn the face of men, out of a sense that these, with the insults and injuries which they may inflict, are permitted and employed by Him for the chastening and purifying of His elect.... "Meekness is The equanimity of spirit that is neither elated nor cast down, simply because it is not occupied with self at all." * Meekness brings freedom from anger and bitterness when my loved one is suddenly snatched from me. Meekness gives power to forgive when another has betrayed my confidence, using my words to condemn me before others. Meekness grasps opportunities for growth in humility and love when I am purposely overlooked and ignored. Meekness faces kindly those who intentionally make false accusations against me. Yes, even when it is my own sister in the church. Meekness frees from irritation over minor things--- when my husband is late for dinner or the children spill lime juice. Meekness believes that ALL things work together for good when I love God withall my being. Meekness is the yoke I take with the truly meek One, my loving Lord JESUS.

June -11- 2001 MOTIVES MAKE THE DIFFERENCE Read: Luke 7:36-50 While Jesus was eating with a Pharisee one day, a very sinful woman came to Him weeping. She washed His feet with her tears and dried them with her hair.She also anointed them with a costly ointment and kissed them. The Pharisee was convinced that Jesus was not a prophet or He would have known what kind of woman she was. But the woman had a glimpse of the holiness of God's Son, which produced in her an attitude of reverence and fear as compared with her own undoneness. Later, as Jesus journeyed toward the cross, He received another kiss. It was the kiss of betrayal into the hands of wicked men. Judas seemed to see only the thirty pieces of silver. He could not see the greedy heart which stole his love for he Master he had followed for three years. It was not the action in these two examples that made the difference in the eternal destiny of the woman and Judas, for it was much the same. But it was their motives. Motives are something we can't see. Many times I am guilty of looking at another person's actions and mistaking it for their motive. I am the only person who can evaluate my motives in the truest since. A few examples could be: Do I really need the items I buy or do I buy simply because someone else does. Do I attend sewing circle, go to rest home services, and visit school out of duty, or do I have a lively interest in the work of the church and school? As I invite guests, do I hope they will notice my dishes, food, a new piece of furniture, and my accomplishments? Or do I have a longing for the fellowship we can share as we visit? May I catch a glimpse of Jesus as this woman did. It is only in looking to Jesus that our motives can glorify God.

June -12- 2001 CONTENTMENT Read: Psalm 34:1-10 "What's your mother doing today?" I asked a little girl who came to our house. "Nothing," was her simple reply. Nothing! How can she have nothing to do when I seem to have everything to do? My comparing with others deepened my discontent. Then one evening our son asked, "What does 'Lord willing' mean?" "Well, when we plan things, we say 'Lord willing' because the Lord may have something else He wants us to do, and we want to be happy to do whatever He wants," I carefully explained to him. My thoughts went on.... Contentment is sweetness when my plans for the day are upset by crying children, numerous spills, and countless interruptions. Contentment is a calmness and relaxation in spirit through the day. It is concentrating with gratefulness on the small portions of work completed, and beginning another portion only I as I can do so relaxed in spirit. Driving myself and enduring with teeth gritted is neither noble nor patient. Contentment is refusing to rehearse a mental list of annoyances, but rather, rejoicing in the abundance of my blessings. Contentment is peace within, knowing I am where God wants me to be, doing what He wants me to do, and knowing I am growing in His likeness.

June -13- 2001 FIT ONLY FOR GARBAGE Read: Revelation 3:14-19 The four perfectly shaped loaves were ready for the oven. My family would be pleased to have freshly baked bread for supper. I turned on the oven, put the bread and watched it slowly rise to full size. The unmistakable aroma filled the kitchen. But halfway through the baking time something happened. The heating element burned out! What could I do with this half baked bread? Desperately I tried to think of something: toast? dressing? dog food? As the bread cooled and shrank to an ugly lump, I realized it wasn't fit for any of these, but only to throw to the garbage. The Lord taught me a lesson through this. Sometimes I'm like this half baked bread. I fail to stay in the heat and warmth of God's love and His word. At first everything seems to be normal. But as I cool off, I shrink spiritually, and become ineffective with people and out of fellowship with the Lord. I may even blame other people for my condition. Sometimes I frantically try to salvage or cover up my lukewarmness by increased activity. But God wants me to stop, admit my failure, receive forgiveness, and start over, just like I had to do with my bread. Then I can again experience His love and burning in my heart and be a vessel fit for the Master's use.

June -14- 2001 WHAT SHALL I PRAY FOR NEXT Read Matthew 7:7-11 Sometimes I feel God takes a special delight in answering prayers,especially those of new Christians. He knows just what it takes to make Himself real and to stimulate faith. I listened intently to a dear sister as she related answers to specific prayers. Her life hadn't been easy, and by the time she was a young teenager, both her parents had died.Her childhood alternated between boarding schools in the winter and life on the Indian reserves inthe summer, where she saw much drinking and immorality. So her first prayer was that someday she would have a "sober" home. Today that is a reality.After several years of marriage and children, she said she asked God for a child as Hannah did (1 Samuel 1:11), and they did have a son. As the child grew, she wanted to send him to a Christian school, but finances were a problem. So she prayed again, and today he is attending the Christian school.She and her husband have been Christians for some time but were nit yet baptized due to some obstacles. She decided to pray about it in a specific way, and in a short time we witnessed the happy occasion when they took this step together. Her next prayer concern came from the conviction that they should tithe their income. Soon after this they attended a family seminar and her husband was also led to understand that they should begin systematic giving." Now I'm wondering what I should pray for next", she said in a gentle voice as a smile crossed her face. Just then her son came home from school and together they left. But these examples of her child like faith in our loving heavenly Father made a deep impression on me. I was challenged also to trust Him who said, "Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full" (John 16:24).


June -15- 2001 OPPORTUNITIES PART 1 Read: Luke 2:1-7; 19:28-38 The innkeeper had an opportunity to share a room with the Lord of glory. He missed it! He saw only a tired woman and her poor husband. The donkey owner had an opportunity to share a precious colt with the Lord of glory. He took it! He saw beyond the two rough disciples whose only explanation was, "The Lord has need." Lord, how many times have You come to me with a need, and I saw only a dirty little child, an unmannerly man, a demanding woman? Not only at this Christmas season, but at all times let me be a donkey owner, in spite of who You send to ask, or what You ask for. Opportunities, Part 2 Read: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 I really thought I was the donkey owner! But I didn't expect the Lord to test me and show me who I really was-- the inkeeper! Did He really expect me to fry a half of a chicken for Him, or give Him my prettiest cloth (I couldn't wait to make adress from it), or ask me for my last bit of precious peanut butter, or ask me on my busiest day to show Him how to sew pants, or ask me for my broom and not return it? What a lot of opportunites. Lord, You know I gave, but grudgingly, not cheerfully; sparingly, not wholeheartedly. Lord, will you give me another opportunity to give without mummuring.... to give with glad abandon?

June -17- 2001 ARMOR OF GOD part one Eph. 6 v 10-18 PREPARING FOR BATTLE Everyone felt afraid of the Philistine giant, Goliath. He towered over nine feet tall. He wore a bronze helmet, bronze leg plates, and a bronze javelin was strapped to his back. In his huge hand, he carried a spear. The point alone possibly weighed about twenty pounds. His shield bearer walked or ran before him. Come here, he said, and Ill give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field! David said to the Philistine, You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD ALMIGHTY, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 1 Samuel 17 v 44-45 Before this, young David had taken his staff in hand, stooped down, and picked up five smooth stones and placed them in the pouch of his bag. Shepherds staff in one hand and a sling in the other, he approached the giant. We all know how this victorious story ended. PUTTING ON THE ARMOR OF GOD Part two Eileen loved to roller-blade. She kept up with the best of them. For Christmas and birthdays she had received all the proper gear from her parents in order to blade safely: a helmet and shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, and shin guards. Her family made sure that she had all the necessities. They knew what could happen. One nice afternoon Eileen had a half hour free. In a hurry, she grabbed all her gear except the wrist guards that had fallen in the corner. It wasnt long until Eileen hit a curb wrong and went flying. Sure enough, she broke her wrist. Its the same way with our armor from God. We cant live victorious lives unless we put on all His armor. It wont work with everything but faith. Neither will we see victory in Yeshua (Jesus) without knowing or telling the truth- or neglecting to obey God with a righteous life. And we certainly will have no protection if we are not saved in Jesus Christ. What about peace? How many times have you hung your head in sadness over someone who says they love the Lord but is gossiping and stirring up trouble instead of carrying the message of peace? The devil knows our weak spots. If we dont daily clothe ourselves completely in Gods spiritual armor when we hit rough bumps--- sure enough--- we come crashing down. That weak spot is bound to be injured and sometimes badly broken. Like a parent with our roller-blade gear, God teaches us what to do for our own good, because He loves us. So as you dress for your day and pray, remember to put on every single piece of Gods armor. Then listen to Him.

June -17- 2001 HEAR THE BATTLE CRY part two Comrades, hark to the call that is ringing Far and wide throughout the land! O, hear it, answer the summons That bids us to the fray. See the host of the enemy, ranged on Either hand, Rank on rank, the fight is on today! Nows the time when we must face the foe; Now is the time when the loyal and true Must to the world their colors show. Jesus, He is the one who will lead us in the Fight we rage with sin. Hell give us courage and strength for the Time of sorest need. Trusting all to the wisdom of Him Well surely win, Win the day, with Jesus Christ to lead. Right shall win, and wrong shall meet With loss If we but follow the Savior of men Bearing the banner of the cross. Comrades, rally from north and from south Today, and come from east and west. Christ needs you, answer the summons that Calls us to fight. Gladly turn to the service that puts us to The test. Brave and true, to dare, to dare and do For right. Rally, rally, round the flag of white, Earnest, and loyal, and true to the end, And we have put sins host to flight. Christ who leads is in the camp, Listen, O my comrades, to the mighty Tramp; Tramp of the army that gathers today, Eager, earnest for the fray. Otis a glorious sight, That of legions on the way, Ready to battle for right, Hear the battle cry, Behold the King draws nigh! R.L.Stuckey Taken from the book, When Im Praising God, by Anita Corrine Donihue

June -18- 2001 Armor of God-----part three GOD GOES BEFORE US A gigantic fear looms over me with foreboding, cruel threats. The longer I cringe and shy away from it, the bigger the giant becomes. Before I know it, this monster towers completely over me and I feel helpless. I cant see over, under, around, or through it. Its just too big! But thank You, Lord God, You see the way through. I feel Your encouraging presence in my heart, and I know Im not alone. I have other faced other giants. Each one seemed to attack me with crushing force. I have already learned the only way to get past them is to face each one straight on, in the name of You, my Lord Jesus Christ. This time I utter a prayer of praise and thanksgiving for victories to come. I pick up Your sword, my Bible. I gather Your truths like five smooth stones: To think on You, to love, have hope, forgive, and be steadfast. With a hearty shout, I heave them at this devilish giant in the name of the Lord! Sometimes the giants tumble instantly. Others crumble piece by piece. Either way, You are the victor and You never leave me. Thank You for not requiring me to fight these giants by myself. Thank You for going before me.

June 20------part four FACING THE GIANTS What are the giants in your life? How can God help you overcome them? I believe it is good not only to pray, but to turn to His Word for the answers. There are direction and power in prayer and Gods Word. Whatever these giants are in our lives, we must not run from them. We must face them head-on as David did Goliath. Put on your spiritual armor and stand firm, unafraid, trusting God for strength. 1) Truth. Put on the belt of truth. God is truth and no deception abides with His will 2) Righteousness. Put on the breastplate of righteousness. As we repent of our sins, Jesus forgives us. Only through Him can we live a righteous life. 3) Peace. Put on the shoes of the gospel of peace. As we study Gods Word and seek His will for our lives, He gives a peace beyond description. In turn, we can learn to carry that same peace to others. 4) Salvation. Put on the helmet of salvation. Know for sure with your heart and mind that you can count on Gods salvation. All you must do is ask forgiveness for your sins and for Jesus to be Lord of your life. Then dont let the devil creep in with subtle ways. Resist temptations, just like in the old song, Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see, ears what you hear, tongue what you say, hands what you do, feet where you go. Deliberatly, continually, turn your back on sin. God can help clear our thoughts and hearts and assure us of hope for the future. 5) Faith. Put on the shield of faith. Because He first loved us and called us to be His own, we can relax and trust in Him to fight our giants. 6) Gods Word. Put on the sword of the spirit. Gods Word--- your Bible. Read it often. Carry it in your car, in your briefcase, your purse, so you can slip it out from time to time and call on God for strength and direction. Keep it especially in your heart. The exciting thing about all this is when we put on the full armor of God and obey Him, then we can stand back, call TIMBERRR---- and watch the giants fall

JUNE 21------part five CHRISTIAN, DOST THOU SEE THEM? Christian, dost thou see them, on the holy ground, How the powers of darkness, rage thy steps around? Christian! Up and smite them, counting gain but loss, Smite them by the merit of the holy cross! Christian, dost thou feel them, how they work within, Striving, tempting luring, goading into sin? Christian, Never tremble! Never be downcast! Gird thee for the battle, thou shalt win at last. Christian, dost thou hear them, how they speak thee fair? Always fast and vigil? Always watch in prayer? Christian! Answer boldly, While I breathe I pray! Peace shall follow battle, night shall end in day. Well I know thy trouble, O My servant true, Thou art very weary--- I was weary too; But that toil shall make thee someday all Mine own, And the end of sorrow shall be near My throne. AMEN John Bacchus Dykes, 1868

June 21---------part six THE TRUTH In this complicated world, Lord, we are often tempted to seek the easiest or quickest way out of problems. Before we know it, others dont take us at our word, and we wonder why. Thank You, dear Lord, for helping me gird Myself with Your belt of truth so honor and trust will follow me wherever I go. I praise You for granting me strength so I can resist the slightest temptation to tell those littl white lies. In all things I give You glory, honor, and praise. Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. PSALM 25:4-5 (NIV) Sometimes my cross is hard to bear For there is darkness everywhere, And troubles pile around my door Like autumn leaves forever more. The morning light seems far away, Like I am stuck in yesterday. My heart is beating like a drum I try to pray, but words wont come. But then the sun begins to rise And hope is born within my eyes. A rainbow forms among my tears For faith is stronger than my fears! Clay Harrison I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. PSALM 34:4

June -22- 2001 ------part seven FALSE TEACHERS A person I visited with seemed sensational and magnetic with a supersized appearance of love for You. For a shot while I thought I would want to be like that. You cautioned me, Lord. I turned to Your Word and listened to my pastor. I realized things did not line up. The individual didnt reflect the true things of God but reminded me of the wolf in sheeps clothing. Now I wont always believe what others say, even when they claim it is from You. Thank You for making me watchful and giving me insight from Your wise leaders and Your Bible. Im learning to test everything, to see if it is of You You are my Shepherd and I know Your voice, Lord. I will follow You. I will not waver, nor be tossed to and fro by capricious doctrines. I will praise You for Your guidance and faithfulness. You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. They are from the world and there- fore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood. 1 John 4 v 4-6(NIV)

June -23- 2001 ---part eight BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS How can I be righteous, dear Lord, when I seem to mess up in one way or another every day? How can I begin to deserve Your love and approval? I feel so unworthy. I cant do this on my own. Yet I know You are always with me, ready to forgive and show me step by step how to obey and depend on You. You have promised me in Your Word to provide me with Your breastplate of righteousness, when I have You in my life. I ask again now, Lord, for You to arm me with it and fend off the fiery darts of temptation and trials the devil shoots at me. Thank You for helping me daily to live as You want. How I praise You for giving me strength to lay aside all that isnt right in Your eyes. Through You I can count all else worthless as I focus on You, my God. You and I Lord, are one. Once my life was full of sin and darkness, but now You have forgiven me and set me free! Thank You that I dont have to worry about being good enough to be Your child. When I was wrong, I asked Your forgiveness and determined to live the way I should. You have already paid the price for me and have fulfilled Gods laws and requirements in the Ten Commandments. I pray for Your breastplate of righteousness to protect me from sin and harm. Through it may I reflect Your glorious light each day. Thank You for helping me. No more will I bow to worthless sin and destruction. Instead, I pray for You to let Your light shine through me onto others so they may also turn their hearts to You, my Lord Jesus Christ. Read Psalm 139 v 23-24; Isaiah 6 v 3; Psalm 106 v 47-48

June -24- 2001 ------part eight RESISTING TEMPTATIONS Luke 21 v 15; James 4 v 7; 1 Peter 5 v 6-11 The temptations in this world attack me again and again. I cant overcome them on my own. But with You, Lord Jesus, it is possible. Thank You for how You have helped me hide Your Word in my heart. When I am tempted to do wrong, I can call on You for help and use the power of Your Scriptures for strength to do what is right. Thank You for granting me wisdom and understanding. Thank You for helping me to resist even the most subtle temptation and choose Your ways. I long for my life to be good and my deeds to be accomplished wisely and with humility. Father, please dont let me allow any bitterness, envy, or selfishness in my life. Let me not utter one boastful word. Remind me, I pray, not to look down on those less fortunate. These things are not of You. In place of this, let me gain wisdom, motives that are pure, a peaceful spirit, a considerate submissive attitude, boundless mercy, and a life producing Your nutritious, spiritual fruit. You help me and I praise You for a life of peace, joy and righteousness! Thank You for how You never lead me into temptation. You deliver me from such. I think how when You were tempted, each time You rebuked the devil with Gods Word. Thank You for giving me that same power to resist temptation.

June -25- 2001 ---------part nine HOLY LIVING Lord, I know You have called me to be a Christian. I know You want me to reflect You in all I say and do. Thank You for reminding me to live a holy life, pure and pleasing to You. I so easily get pulled into the little sins of this world. Thank You for each time You give me the strength to run from even the slightest appearance of evil. Right now, I nail my natural sinful nature to the cross. When faults, bad habits, or temptations creep in, I take them back to You where they are destroyed by Your power and might. Then with joy and thanksgiving, I bring glory to You, my God. There is no way I can resist these things in my own power. I use Your Word, the sword of the Spirit, to fight against temptation. I call on Your name each day for help, and I praise You for answering me. I want to live a holy life for You. I give You my life, my all. As I sense Your cleansing presence, Lord Jesus, You and I are one. HOLINESS AND HUMILITY Someone asked a minister if he had ever received a second blessing since he was converted. What do you mean? was the reply. I have received ten thousand since the first. A great many think because they have been holy once, they are going to be holy for a long time after. But O, my friends. We are leaky vessels and have to be kept full. If we are going to be used by God, we must be very humble. Humility and holiness go together. a man that lives close to God will be the humblest of men. Let us keep near Him Dwight L. Moody Taken from the book: When Im Praising God by Anita Corrine Donihue. ************************************************************ JUNE 26 ------Part Ten SPIRITUAL BOLDNESS My knees tremble with fear when I know I must speak out for You, Lord. How thankful I am that your presence surrounds me. You anoint me with a strength and power I dont have. I say a quick prayer and open my mouth. A strange, loving authority overflows within me. My words are Your words. I marvel at how others stop, listen, and think about what I say. Thank You, too, for telling me when to close my mouth and let Your Holy Spirit take over. How can You give such a marvelous thing as spiritual boldness? Somehow You help me get past the shyness. I know my help comes from You, Lord. Thank You for reminding me not to grow arrogant and take things into my own hands lest I be offensive and off-base with my words. I acknowledge Your teaching, urging me to be wise, gracious, and considerate as I speak. I praise You, Lord, for using me to tell others the wonderful news of all the things You have done for me. Psalm 19 v 14 CARRY GOOD CHEER Carry good cheer to the lonely, Weighted with burdens of earth; Ever beguiling the weeping to smiling, Go scatter the blessing of mirth. Carry good cheer to the weary, Those who may fall by the way; Speak of salvation from sin and temptation, To all who are learning to stray. Carry good cheer in the morning, Carry good cheer in the night, Effort is sweeter and living completer, If ever we walk in loves light. G.B. Williams---1916 BOLDNESS TO DO RIGHT Boldness from God is: To fear not when giving your all. To shun not when risking for Christ. To shrink not when standing for right. To waver not in honesty and integrity. To limit not the capacity to love. To squelch not enthusiasm for Christ. To seek not the limelight lest you fall. To heed not those who speak wrong. Gods Holy Spirit helps us: Be bold for the truth in His Spirit. Be bold to serve Christ in His Spirit. Be bold to tell of Gods love in His Spirit. In doing so, we shall be carried by the power of God over the deepest and most treacherous of lifes challenges. *********************************************************** June 27 SHOES OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE---Part 11 Father, when discord and hurt feelings press in on me from all sides, I thank You for clothing me with the shoes of the gospel of peace. Things could have gone much worse had I not listened to Your cautioning voice. My quick tongue might have spit out angry words of reproach that I would have never been able to take back. Instead, You gave me a calm spirit and a wise mind. Thank You, Lord, for being there with me. I still face the situation head-on, but You showed me how to do it in a spirit of truth and unconditional love. When discipline or unwelcome answers are required from me, You help me speak in a healing, loving spirit. When hearts are aching, You help me empathize with encouraging words and deeds of kindness. I dont have answers to all lifes problems, but can carry the gospel, the good news of Your love and peace, what You have done for me, and all You can do for everyone who trusts You. Thank You for teaching me to walk worthy of my calling as a follower of Christ, with strength, yet with humility, gentleness, and patience from Your Holy Spirit. I endeavor now to be up-front and truthful, avoiding gossip and deception, promoting unity in Your Spirit rather than division. No matter what happens, I will not return evil for evil. Only You can avenge. Instead, I will overcome evil with good. The power to fight sin comes from You, Lord, I praise You for that! Being clothed with the shoes of the gospel of peace is given to us through the indwelling of Your cleansing Holy Spirit. This armor surrounds me with a mind-set which is pure, peaceloving, kind, impartial, full of mercy. In learning to walk in this way, I will sow peace and harvest righteousness. Exo. 12 v 11; Acts 12 v 8 ************************************************************ JUNE 28 WATCH AND PRAY------PART 12 You have quickened my spirit once again, Lord. Thank You for keeping me alert and helping me watch and pray. Repeatedly, I hear You come to me, warning, Dont stop praying. Thank You for helping me cast all my cares on You, for watching over me. As I pray, You assure me of my salvation and how You have forgiven my sins. As I focus on You, Lord, You help me think clearly and assure me You have control over what lies ahead, not only for me but for my loved ones. Satan prowls about like a wild, hungry animal, seeking whom he can destroy. But when I pray, You stand before me, my Defender and Shield. Thank You for Your guidance. Thank You for comfort when I am tempted to worry. You are my dearest friend. You care about me with an understanding love. You listen to me pour out my concerns and joys. I treasure Your answers when they come. While I watch and pray, the cares of life roll off my shoulders and I feel an indescribable peace--- a peace that comes from You. I lift my praise to You, Lord. My thoughts focus on You. You, my Lord, dwell within me and I in You. Now as I go about my duties, I will continue to pray. I dont say amen for good-bye, but amen for so be it. In You, my precious Lord, our conversation goes on day and night. Philippians 4 v 6-7 Taken from the book--- When Im Praising God- by Anita Corrine Donihue Because of the cross there is no need to worry. 1 Peter 5 v 6-7 O God give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Stop pacing! Are you wringing your hands? Shaking your head? Clenching your fists? Is your brow furrowed? Are you grinding your teeth? Why bite your nails? Are you having a bad day? There is nothing you will face that God cant handle. We have a loving, caring Father who wants to carry our burdens for us. Let go of the need to be in control and fall to your knees. Humble yourself and let God have complete control of your life. Remember Christs worst day. He suffered unbearable pain and endured all of our worst days for us on the cross! Why worry when you already have what you need? PLACE ALL OF YOUR TROUBLES AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS. TAKEN FROM THE BOOK--- Because of the Cross---by Beverly Courrege JUNE 29 SHIELD OF FAITH This struggle Im going through frightens me, Lord. No one seems able to help. I feel so alone. Ive tried and tried to solve problems on my own, but, alas, to no avail. The challenges are too great. I cant continue like this. Why have I waited so long to turn it all over to You? Please help me, Lord. You have rescued me more times in the past than I can count. So I want to trust You again now during this trying time. I cant just muster up faith in You with a snap of my fingers. Sometimes my faith is so weak I can barely express it to You. But You have promised if my faith is even as small as a grain of mustard seed, You will remove these mountainous problems of mine or simply help me burrow through them. Either way, I know You are here and You will bless. Like that tiny granule of mustard seed, my faith can barely be detected. I am so thankful You recognize it, Lord. Because I have taken a baby step in faith, Your Spirit goes before me with Your shield of faith. Thank You for it and the faith You give to me. By Your strength and power, I can place all my trust in You rather than in puny human beings with all their weaknesses and sometimes poor choices. I realize the battle we fight isnt against sinful people and circumstances. The battle is against evil spirits of the darkness that we cant see. They roam about this earth seeking to destroy all in their path. By faith, You give me power over these evil spirits; they cant even reach me, for I am protected by the shield of faith of Your Holy Spirit. Daily praises and thanksgiving are on my lips to You, dear Lord. I exalt You and give You glory for Your wondrous love and protection. Eph. 6 v16 ************************************************************ JUNE 30 FAITH TRIUMPHANT Phil. 4 v 6-9 May all of us have the faith in the Lord Jesus Christ which availeth, that faith which worketh by love, and so, though we have begun in the egg on earth, yet, through Gods brooding, before we know it shall chip the shell: and though we have lain so long coiled up and helpless, we shall begin to put forth plumes: and, disdaining the nest, and finding the ground chilly beneath our feet, with every gathering feather we shall pine for the air, and pining, begin to try those notes which are yet to learn; and, at length, in some bright and beaded morning, we shall spread our wings, and rising above the tangle and the thicket, soar through the blue, singing to the gate of heaven. Henry Ward Beecher
